February 2011 Issue

Read this month’s copy of the Guildford, Farnham & Woking Magazine featuring an interview with model Tim Andrews.

guildford magazine january 2011 front cover

Editor's Letter

And so it’s farewell from me. Going already! I hear you exclaim. Well, yes, I am. 

I realise that my tenure as an editor has been fairly brief but to use that well-used turn of phrase, it has definitely been a case of “short, but sweet”.

I am off to concentrate on our sister titles, Kingston and Elmbridge Lifestyle Magazines, and will be handing your magazine over to the very capable hands of Nikki Ackerley, a lady with an expert handle on West Surrey property and known already to many of you in the Guildford area.

Writing my note of farewell gave me pause for thought on the subject of time. It is a funny old thing.

We never seem to have enough of it, and yet when we have it we don’t know what to do with it.

In moments of stress, it becomes our most precious commodity.

“If I only had more time…” we lament, “I’d read a book, learn a foreign language, go to the gym, ride bareback across the Sahara…” OK, maybe not the last one, but you get my drift.

We covet it like a precious stone, yet treat it carelessly when we get our hands on it.

Time occupies us almost as much as the weather and has an extensive number of idioms devoted to it.

I had enormous fun trying to decide on a headline; “here today and gone tomorrow,” I mused, “or maybe, time off for good behaviour? times change? a stitch in time saves nine?” I digress.

If this month you find yourself in the lucky position of having some time on your hands, take a look at the remarkable story of Tim Andrews (p 6–7 ), Milford resident and Parkinson’s Disease sufferer.

Tim has challenged his condition head-on and is now the subject of an outstanding new photographic exhibition at The Lightbox, Woking.

And, if love is on your mind as Valentine’s Day approaches, read Catherine Whyte’s article about Surrey mountaineer George Mallory (p 14–15), a man fiercely supported and loved by a loyal wife who was to lose him so cruelly to his other passion, Mount Everest (above).

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